Zsolt Sörés: Astro-Noetic Chiasm (X)
- Heimathafen Neukölln
- Microtonal Drone
- premiere
21.01.2022 / 17:00 – 18:00
With Zsolt Sőrés
Premiere at ultraschall Festival Berlin / New Ensemble Piece by Zsolt Sörés, ca. 55 min.
Anthea Caddy, cello / Judith Hamann, cello / Franz Hautzinger, trumpet, electronic / Mihály Kádár, sound / Zsolt Sőrés, five string viola, electronic
“Indem er nun diese gesamte Zusammenfügung der Länge nach zweifach spaltete, die Mitte der einen an die der andern in der Gestalt eines Chi (χ) fügte, bog er sie zusammen und verband sie durch einen Kreis in eins, jede nämlich der Stelle des (ersten) Zusammentreffens gegenüber mit sich selbst und mit der andern, umschloss sie rings durch die gleichförmige und in einem Raume kreisende Bewegung und führte den einen der Kreise von innen, den anderen von außen herum.” (Platon, Timaios, 8, 36 b-c)
According to Plato, the world is periodically broken up into its elements and destroyed, and then somehow order is restored. The world is a set of transformations and mixtures, whose ultimate laws remain inscrutable to us. This very modern idea also implies that if we were to transcend the limits of knowability, these cycles of the worlds would also cease, that means, if we were to know the cosmos, we would transcend our own reality. The godlike state is not possible because it would mean the cessation of cognition, existence and reality. Astro-Noetic Chiasm (χ) builds up this specific paradoxical sound reality through permutations, microtonal-interferential musical layers, feedback, based on Chi (χ) aka the chiasm (using mirror-image and cross-placement techniques), as well as chromatic numbers, following the possibilities of graph colourations. In the process of chiasm, however, the soundscape language itself is transformed: a different quality is created from the previous primordial elements. This process also reveals the presence of the unknowable, of the limit of actual realisation. Astro-Noetic Chiasm (χ) is the fourth part of Zsolt Sőrés’ new Astro-Noetic series.
Heimathafen Neukölln, Karl-Marx-Str. 141, 12043 Berlin
Information on Covid regulations
Concert in the framework of Ultraschall Festival. Tickets and more.
Text: Zsolt Sörés
Photo: Zsolt Sörés at daadgalerie, Oct 2021, by Eunice Maurice
Zsolt Sörés, Astro-Noetic Chiasm, Ultraschall Festival 2022, Heimathafen Berlin; Photo: Eunice Maurice
Zsolt Sörés, Astro-Noetic Chiasm, Ultraschall Festival 2022, Heimathafen Berlin; Photo: Eunice Maurice
Zsolt Sörés, Astro-Noetic Chiasm, Ultraschall Festival 2022, Heimathafen Berlin; Photo: Eunice Maurice
Zsolt Sörés, Astro-Noetic Chiasm, Ultraschall Festival 2022, Heimathafen Berlin; Photo: Eunice Maurice
Zsolt Sörés, Astro-Noetic Chiasm, Ultraschall Festival 2022, Heimathafen Berlin; Photo: Eunice Maurice
Zsolt Sörés, Astro-Noetic Chiasm, Ultraschall Festival 2022, Heimathafen Berlin; Photo: Eunice Maurice
Zsolt Sörés, Astro-Noetic Chiasm, Ultraschall Festival 2022, Heimathafen Berlin; Photo: Eunice Maurice
Zsolt Sörés, Astro-Noetic Chiasm, Ultraschall Festival 2022, Heimathafen Berlin; Photo: Eunice Maurice