- daadgalerie
- Reading
- Screening
11.03.2018 / 17:00 – 22:00
With Sergio Raimondi
and Allan Sekula
Sergio Raimondi: Qué es el mar / Was ist das Meer
Allan Sekula: The Lottery of the Sea
In his poetic texts, Sergio Raimondi explores the history of Argentina’s port cities in global trade. His translator Timo Berger reads from the German translations. Moderation: Ricardo Domeneck.
The sea as location of transnational historiography is central to the work of artist and filmmaker Allan Sekula. After the reading, a rare screening of his film “Lottery of the Sea” (2006) is presented.
Allan Sekula wrote about his film:
“’The Lottery of the Sea takes’ its title from Adam Smith, who, in his famous The Wealth of Nations (1776) compared the life of the seafarer to gambling. Thus notions of risk were introduced by Smith through an allegory of the sea´s dangers, especially for those who did the hard work, and then, secondarily, for those who invested in ships and goods.
The film asks, is there a relationship between the most frightening and terrifying concept in economics, that of risk and the category of the sublime in aesthetics? We know that the sea is a primordial source of sublimity, especially in the 18th century. This film is an offbeat diary extending from the presumably “innocent” summer of 2001 through to the current “war on terror” all by way of a meandering, essayistic voyage from seaport to seaport, waterfront to waterfront, coast to coast.”
5pm Sergio Raimondi: “Qué es el mar” / “Was ist das Meer,”
Reading in Spanish and German
With Timo Berger and Ricardo Domeneck
6:30pm Allan Sekula: “Lottery of the Sea”
2006, 179 min. screening (in English)